KDS WITHIN: A NEW Vlog Coming This Week!

Hey guys! I decided to finally get over my laziness and start a new VLOG series called KDS Within. It will basically be about not only about me but other things too including stuff with advice, entertainment, anything you can imagine coming from the mind of someone with autism!

I plan to do this like as if it were to be a TV show! BUT the catch is that episodes WILL come unexpectedly so be sure that you’re checking my YouTube channel KDS Official every single day to see what’s up!

I’m thinking inside the first video I’ll do a reveal for my new book series that will be coming hopefully starting in early 2017. The only way to get exposed is to make exposure for myself (of course in a certain way).

Hopefully my YouTube channel becomes the most active for me instead of just my blog cause I really need to make this a job for myself. BIG things will follow if I do keep on going that’s for sure!

Anyways, I think I’ll make the first video today and see how it goes. I’ll also try to do it in a single run as well so I’ll need to make sure I have water on hand! I’ll even make notes if needed for myself as well.

See you guys on YouTube and don’t forget to check out my new Instagram “kds5628” I created recently!

How was THIS possible? Was drafting a message when I saw this on MD!

Hey guys! KDS here!

You’re probably wondering what I’ve been doing for the past who knows how long. It’s only been like a day and I’m about 2,500+ words in for the first book in this series that I’m writing.

BUT here’s what I just discovered and this is also the reason why I’m going to blog every day now along with making new posts for the Millionaire’s Digest. It’s because I have a spot for advertising now on that site! No wonder why I’m getting more traffic than usual, follower wise!

This is great! I was drafting a message but thank goodness I was looking at the spots because when I saw my logo, I was like out loud,” Okay! No need to do this now that’s for sure!”

Now that I have a spot that MIGHT NOT last too long, now is the time to act! I will show ALL my followers on this blog, my YouTube channel, everything else including KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing)…


Time for ACTION!


Wow I really didn’t write a single post for who knows how long at this point.

It’s been one tough process since I haven’t been doing much for the past month. What I will do is try to keep going with my stuff once again. Zeon however is starting to fall apart. Like they all say,” One legend ends BUT another begins.” What I mean by that is not because it’s a quote I just made up…

It’s also because a NEW series will take over.

The series will be revealed to you guys starting in January 2017. I’ll give you a hint though: It DOES take place on Earth this time even though it’s still fictional!

Anyways back to the new song I was talking about. It’s the 2016 Edit of Mastermind from the Mastermind Album! It’s currently being sent to CD Baby right now as I speak (Of course I uploaded and submitted it yesterday duh!). It will hopefully be available to download by today or the weekend. Just give it time.

Also remember that this song and all my other songs from this point on will be available on CD Baby ONLY not only because they are exclusive but also because I don’t have the budget needed to pay for getting at least the standard version (This applies for EACH single AND album). At least for now I don’t. Hopefully I will in the future!

Anyways, wish me luck as I’m going to really try my hardest to do something right this time!


Gotta keep writing!

I’m so sorry you guys that I haven’t been blogging for who knows how long now! College is really coming to an end for the semester and I’ll be honest that things are not getting any easier at this point.

That being said, I will try my hardest, literally my hardest, in order to get done what I want to get done! Hard work will pay off eventually and the only way to keep going with all this hard work I’m trying my best to do…is to keep going!

I also just remembered as I was typing this that I have a possible song that I really should upload to CD Baby. This song happens to be a remake of Mastermind, basically a 2016 edit! REMEMBER THOUGH that this song is an EXCLUSIVE song so it will only be available to purchase on CD Baby and possibly my Facebook Page too! Will be available soon for $1.29!

Let’s hope that I CAN keep going this time as I now have 40 FOLLOWERS! HA!

The only way I’ll keep getting followers is if I just keep posting dang net!

I wish something would happen…

Very suckish…

Wish something would happen right now. As if a miracle would happen currently but of course that ain’t happening.

All those times I could’ve blogged on my blog. Really must remember that every post I write would be shared automatically to my four other social media sites. It’s seriously not an easy thing to do to be honest, which is to keep blogging while keeping at it.

Why didn’t I keep going when I should have?

Why am I even writing this blog post anyways???

I honestly don’t know. Perhaps it’s because I really need to get out there more often.

To keep you guys updated, I’m still trying my very best to keep going with the creations I’ve been trying to keep going with for who knows how long now.

Been bragging about myself ever since February 2016…what have I done?

Sorry if this post was so negative! Just not feeling it right now.

Ladybug of Luck

This morning a ladybug crawled on my hand
All because of last night where I almost got banned
It was on my hand because it was saying “brrr”
And I thought it was almost time to find her

Sometimes luck can come when you least expect it. Like this morning for example when I found a ladybug on the INSIDE of my bag somehow. Then I let it crawl onto my hand and guess what? It stayed on it for a couple minutes! Not only that but it was as if I felt its livingness on my hand, as in some kind of energy that felt sharp and powerful.

To be honest, I think Ladybugs happen to be a lucky kind of bug, especially since I had a really rough night last night. But you know what? That’s over with and here I am typing away like there’s no tomorrow!

I’ll update you guys soon for what I’ve been trying to do even though this never ending cycle of nothingness isn’t ending like I want it to. Hopefully I can start blogging like crazy finally so you guys can see what I’m REALLY trying to accomplish.

And yes. I wasn’t typing on my mechanical keyboard this time. HA!

Just Starting Off…Again…

Wow this piece of writing I’ve done yesterday took me about 30 MINUTES!

The heck? Why would it take me so long…? Well it’s probably because I’ve been not handwriting for some time and the fact that I kind of suck at endurance for writing by hand. Just need to try harder that’s for sure!

I’m also having trouble with music these days too so I think I’m going to concentrate on what I do best which is everything else not related to making music. As I’m typing this up, I think my typing has gotten faster! I don’t know yet but who knows!

I’m going to try my very best to keep up with this handwritten journal of mine and of course A Life to Write as well! To top things off I STILL need to get going on my other creations I’m currently working on too! Man I’m busy…HA!

Enjoy my blog posts and want to see what potential someone with autism has? Follow me EVERYWHERE!



Entry 5


What was I thinking? Not journal for some time and here I am typing away? What was going on with me? Falling behind on everything. Not again!


It’s been a couple of hours now since I last wrote in my journal A Life to Write and my brain is fried from doing all of this math. Yes. I’m in a math class that couldn’t get any harder than this since I’m average in that class currently. I’m hoping that the test retake I’m going to do will happen to be a better grade than what happened before which was where I happen to be border line failing. It was something like a D- or something but I know I can do better than that!

I’m also hoping to meet up with this friend of mine at 2PM as well. This friend is from my math class BUT I just remembered that she has a class at 2:30PM! No! How could I forget that? Can’t believe myself. And I thought a movie about my life told in a strange way was going to work but apparently not!

Frustrated and frustrated with everything. Have got to meet more new people these days. Only problem with doing that is my confidence along with me making the first move. Very hard these days. Too hard to even describe how I feel when I try to do stuff like that.

Yeah I’m too frustrated currently so I’ll stop journaling for now.

Hopefully nothing bad will happen in the future as I’ve already been through enough.



Entry 4


Today should be interesting since I’m going to the circus for the first time ever in my life. Only problem is that I might not enjoy it but heck with it! I’m going to see what it really is like there since it is an opportunity for me after all, maybe even with meeting someone new there too.

Last night was literally my worst nightmare as for the first time ever, I felt like as if I was garbage, waiting to be drifted away. In fact, I was the most upset ever since for a while during that time yesterday. Literally felt like that things weren’t going to get better. But you know what happened? Even though I released some of that pain I was having to one of my friends, she actually was ABLE to handle it, one of the few people I’ve ever met where they did know what to do. Those kinds of people are very rare because most people wouldn’t know what to do when I become someone like that. All they would do is make the problem worse by spreading it to others in a concerning way.

I wish my life wasn’t like that but at least I’m more careful now these days.

The big question still remains: What will get my happiness back AND balanced? It may seem like it’s there now, which it is don’t get me wrong! But is it balanced? Currently it’s not. I wish it was so I can keep going with even this journal of mine but things just get too hard these days sometimes. At least I don’t give up on what I’m doing that’s for sure!

I need to stop. Kind of hungry now!

A Life to Write and UPDATES on stuff!

Hey guys! I’m really sorry that I haven’t be able to keep you guys updated with my journal A Life to Write mainly because I’ve been so busy/lazy that I just didn’t have the time or energy to get going on this journal.

I will try my very best to get back on track for what I’m trying to do as I MIGHT make a book movie based on this journal. I just don’t know yet! Still working on if this will be possible or not!

Also I might as well take a break from Zeon (Again right?) mainly because my creative spirit is starting to drain away from me. Hopefully my spirit for creativity WILL come back since I really want to do something awesome in life, mainly something grand!

Not only that but also be on the lookout for a NEW single coming soon from me that happens to be a remake of one of my best songs Mastermind! However it will ONLY be available on CD Baby since it’s an EXCLUSIVE song!

Wish me luck you guys! Stumping here these days!