8/500 The challenge continues but WILL be extended!

Okay guys so here’s the deal with my so called “500 Post Challenge”.

It looks like that I WILL NOT be able to do 500 posts in 100 days due to that I could be crunched for time these days! It’s also because that I may not even have time for the future in order to create 5 posts in one day usually.

Sorry about that you guys! BUT I will still try my very best to reach 500 posts! That way I’ll skyrocket in how much traffic I’ll be getting and I’ll also create the biggest achievement for myself which is the blog itself for how many posts it’ll have.

I’ll be honest that 500+ posts IS a lot but I’m hoping to reach FIVE figures of posts in my lifetime. Perhaps SIX figures even! How crazy is that? Better keep blogging that’s for sure!

I also just remembered that I need to work on my fictional series Zeon. Oh boy…


I read an article online about where the universe will reveal to you when it’s time to witness the answer to a certain question you may had all life long. For me, the biggest question I guess I’ve had was this:

What’s my purpose and how do I get there?

I know it sounds very daunting but this could be the question I’ve always had ever since I was born. It could be the question everyone has in life. Mine happens to be the one describe above even though I just came up with it.

But note this: In order to have all the success I’ve always wanted and more…


I will try the hardest I can possibly-no! I will DO the hardest I can possibly do for my blog and all my other social media as well. I mean it this time!

Not hopefully but today and beyond, things are going to change for the better!


After my latest blog post I might’ve came up with some ideas for my blog. One of them is where I can be able to do a full blown story on my blog, as if it were to be a series of blogs where all of them together in a certain order would be a novel. Crazy isn’t it?

The problem is this: What story should I come up with to do something like this? Perhaps what can happen is that I’ll do some research on how to come up with a story. Then what will happen is I’ll create an outline. Finally, I will then create the story piece by piece. Of course a master document would need to be created in case I would want to turn it into an actual eBook!

I think it’s just an idea I have but we’ll see what will happen for the future! A new category will then be created called “Stories By KDS” so you guys can find them easily.

Hopefully something will pop into my head and YES Zeon is still in the works!

I’m sorry guys! Things got rough!

Man I haven’t written a blog post for over a week! What even was happening to me these days?

Then again I have been busy with college stuff so yeah. Things are starting to get pretty busy for me because of my class and my program too.

What I will absolutely try my very best to is get going with the blog posts once again! I also want to tell you guys that as of now I’m NOT going to write a nonfiction book during this time because it would be too much stress for me to do something like that while I already have enough stress in my life.

Hopefully you guys get what I mean! It can get pretty rough when you have so much on your plate and then you forget about certain things like the blog for example.

If you guys enjoy to continue hearing from me, be sure to follow me on my blog along with my other social media sites I’m on!

Let’s see if I CAN blog like crazy today!

KDS: The person with autism that will change it all.

Hey everyone! If you’re seeing this, you’re witnessing an awesome blog! This is KDS, a title that I have where I will have one goal on mind that branches out to an infinite amount of goals: Making history one day WHILE having Autism. Sounds daunting don’t you think? It really isn’t most of the time.

This blog contains almost EVERY type of post you can find on other peoples blogs, almost all of them custom made by me. If you guys want to get to know me more, you can check out as many blog posts as you want that I’ve written. If you enjoy them, please feel free to follow my blog as it is growing currently!


Now with over 100+ POSTS!

Thanks for stopping by and keep posting on that blog!

(NOTE: This blog post happens to be an update for what my blog is currently. This isn’t a so called “real” blog post but rather one to introduce people to what this blog is all about.)


So Many So Called “Start Overs”

Man I’ve been not having it for who knows how long now.

I’ve been trying again and again and doing it over again and again for some of my projects I’ve been working on. All I can say is that the recipe for disaster is just waiting to happen even though it may have already happened to be honest.

I don’t know how many attempts I’ve made to get going with some projects that failed or nearly failed on me. Perhaps I’ve made too many to count! But in all seriousness it has all come down to this: The MAIN typed up journal I will be working on now will happen to be called “Blog of Difference”, which is what I’ve been doing all along. Journaling about my life experiences without me knowing that I’ve already done it.

I’m hoping that this nonfiction series will, I mean WILL become successful because this will be the biggest pain in the neck to do the first book for this. If I can’t do this, who knows if I’ll ever be able to keep going with, well, anything!

I still even need to write my articles for the Millionaire’s Digest Magazine. Opps!

I made a BIG mistake…DANG!

So here’s what happened on the latest article I published on The Millionaire’s Digest.

Someone commented on my post and I figured that it’s true…I’m the biggest idiot ever because I let my imagination go too far this time! What was I thinking???

Maybe what I should’ve done was something in a different category because this was probably my longest yet my worst post of all time ever! Hopefully the CEO of the Millionaire’s Digest understands. I have no idea.

And you know what else? I can’t think of anything else to say! HA!


I know the title sounds very vague. But guess what? The title I choose for this post is like that because that’s the very first comment EVER on YouTube in a YouTube video!

You know what else is interesting? All this time I’ve been blogging and I reached up to 100+ posts! Man I should edit the “about page” for my site! Another thing is that the biggest creation I’ve ever done was an OLD version of Zeon which happened to be up to 20,000+ words!

Sadly though, that version didn’t work out because of plot failure. At least it wasn’t a crud shoot or whatever you call it!

But anyways if you find my posts interesting, be sure to follow me and to like and comment on my posts!

Let’s see if we can keep on adding up the stats on this blog!

A Motivational Speech from Someone with Autism

We all have our tough times. I happened to go through a heck amount of them. I was looking through my Facebook news feed for a moment and something hit me. It was as if I finally wanted to do something where people can finally see who I am. To get exposed. To get known. To reveal even the craziness of me. To get out of the box. To get out there and be myself. Most importantly though: to attempt, to try, and to believe. I never knew that a moment would hit me like this. I was always hoping for something to happen that would spark something in my life. Apparently, it’s happening as this status was written, where I was feeling a little different than usual. So I guess you can say that I’m NOT a freak but rather a history maker, a friend, a blogger, a musician, a writer, and most importantly a warrior. Who am I though? I’m someone with autism that will eventually make history and to inspire others to keep going with their dreams. Not only for others but for myself too. I know that I can change something for the better in my life if I wanted to and I WILL. I know I will. If you’re still reading this, good for you because you’re getting inspired by someone with autism. With all being said, there’s only one thing I want to say now: I’LL MAKE AN ATTEMPT FOR THE BETTER.

-Written by the creator of KDS

Identity Revealed: KDS and the Two Sides


Do you ever get a feeling where you’ve done something so repetitively that you just can’t take it and become so frustrated? This is exactly what I’m feeling right now, but at a kind of extreme scale. I just don’t know how else I can be able to withstand life itself anymore. It’s bad enough that we had to move from one house to another but let me tell you this: It’s not getting better.

As I was typing my possible 100th post on WordPress, I was feeling that everything just wasn’t working for me anymore. I’ve tired everything to stay happy but of course something ALWAYS has to ruin it. I just don’t get it anymore. Why is it that everything bad has to happen to me when I’m already stressed, tired, exhausted, unhappy, sad, angry, and even hateful enough? I just don’t get it anymore.

It was bad enough that I wanted a girlfriend so badly in my life but there’s so no way I’m getting one for a long time, perhaps ever. It’s because everyone just doesn’t want to help me or even think that I DO exist. It just doesn’t make any sense. It used to when I was a kid where everything was free of stress and all those other feelings described in this post. Now a days, things have been so much more complicated.

There is only one thing I wish could happen now. It is a miracle. A miracle where I finally get what I always wanted: that significant other even though something tells me that I don’t need one yet but look at how lonely I’ve become. I don’t have as many, if all, friends that I used to have when I was younger. I didn’t need to worry about my autism as much back then. I didn’t even need to worry about meeting other people as well.

But you know what? Here’s an upside for this post: These days, I tend to become a social butterfly. I have much more confidence to speak publicly than before. My talents have gotten so much better than when I was a kid. I even have made 100 posts and counting on my blog KDS.

There are some things that I DO have that happen to be bright. Music, writing, even being an advocate for autism are all things that happen to be on the bright side. Maybe what’s happening is that I’m thinking about too many dark things in life itself. Perhaps I should replace it with the positive. The question is how?

I honestly wouldn’t know the answer to this question as described above but I KNOW it is possible. It will probably take time.

And do you know when I wrote this post but haven’t posted it till post 100? It’s when I was assembling the rest of my trampoline but gotten so frustrated that I was reminded of how sucky life was for me. But you know what? My happiness WILL come back hopefully.

My name is Kalin and there’s still hope left for me to turn the tables around. Darkness is nothing but a big bully. I say…