Why I LOVE blogging and why YOU should do it too!

I’m posting on The Millionaire’s Digest again so that way I can get much more known to the public! The number of followers are already 10,000+ which is massive in my opinion for that site.

Let me share with you guys something: Do you know why I like to blog so much?

Put it this way: Every time you post something, it starts to add up overtime. Eventually you’ll have an entire BOOK or even SERIES, just from what you’re posting. This is possibly the main reason why I LOVE blogging so much because of the fact that I now have 175+ posts at this point, all of them which if added up can actually make an entire book for say you know!

Another reason why I like blogging so much is because you not only put yourself out there but all the blog posts that are made by you happen to really describe what your true personality is. In my case, it happens to be putting myself out there, music, writing, autism, and much more to be exact.

I think what I may do for a future post (NOT the next one duh!) is information about my second music album INSPIRE. Trust me on this that there will be possibly 20 some songs in this album this time. I may give a little discount if you were able to get the entire album.

Not only that but I will also make this music I have available on YouTube too!

BUT before I even get too far ahead of myself, I must make sure my album is copyrighted first for a few reasons.

Anyways, we’ll see what will happen for the future, including with the book series I’m TRYING to work on.

Typing Sounds: One of My Favorite Sounds of All Time

Time to change things up for today.

There was one thing that I definitely enjoy and that happens to be typing sounds, a kind of sound that some people find either relaxing or interesting. Perhaps both even, especially for me since this blog post was typed on a mechanical keyboard.

So why do I like this kind of sound so much? To be honest, I think it happens to be a sensory kind of thing. It actually makes me feel good about myself. Not only that but I actually prefer to type on a mechanical keyboard because of the way it feels AND sounds!

I always wondered what kind of keyboard especially YOU like to type on. As I was typing this, I tried to do it while listening to some video that was all about the sounds of typing, literally the sound of the video was someone typing!

Turns out I can only do one thing at a time for now because I didn’t do well with being distracted by that video I was listening to. But that’s okay cause that shows how some people, especially people with autism, can’t do multiple things at once!

Which keyboard do you guys prefer? Is it mechanical or membrane? You decide!

More posts are coming soon so stay tuned!

You Failed BUT That’s Okay

I am really tired, failing to stay awake for who knows how long at this point. Not only that but I have failed to keep going with my blog posts.

Wait a second. That’s fine.

Wait what? Why did I just say that, especially in the title?

Failing is a part of life. It’s what makes us human as there is no such thing as someone or something that is 100% perfect. If everything were to be perfect then what’s the point in living life then? Turns out that no badness at all means no fun. But of course, too much badness can lead to the opposite of being perfect. Get what I’m saying now?

Let me tell you this: Succeed AND recognize that you failed at the same time! Even I have to realize this harsh truth, basically for the failing part. The only way we can possibly learn is by failing. This very important skill is crucial for how well you will do in life and will also make you have a better lifestyle overall.

Like when I was typing this, I am so tired I’m starting to roll my eyes while this was being typed up. So yeah, I might fail again but you know what? Eventually I WILL pick myself back up and start to do big things once again.

Only this time, those things will be bigger. MUCH bigger!

Want more of KDS? Read This Post!

Hey guys so I’m starting to make YouTube videos again as you probably heard of in previous posts I’ve done! I’m currently doing a series known as KDS Within, a vlog just like my blog but I actually TALK to you guys instead of putting written words out there!

If you guys haven’t yet, be sure to check out the following social media to see the latest from KDS:


BLOG: You’re looking at it now! (kds407)

TWITTER: kds407

TUMBLR: KDS (kds407 is the username!


INSTAGRAM: kds5628 (I had NO CHOICE with the username! Sorry guys!)

Google+: KDS Official

Hope to put myself out there even more for the future as some big things WILL happen soon! Maybe not this month but hopefully next month!

Thanks for the support you guys and take my advice to KEEP GOING WITH YOUR DREAMS.

What The Heck is Empathy? KDS’s Thoughts

I usually would write a post like this for the Millionaire’s Digest but this time I decided to write it on my own blog because I feel that this is something I usually don’t talk about.

Not only that but this is kind of an usual post. It’s about empathy.

Great you say! Now KDS is going to lecture us about empathy?

No. Not exactly.

For those of you that don’t know what empathy is, it’s to step into someone else’s shoes to see how they feel. It also is a way to feel the energy emitted from someone else.

So say for example you feel not so good when someone else is crying. That’s empathy right there. Not only that but in rare cases you can even SENSE when or during the time it happens or will happen.

Why is it important to have empathy for someone else?

It’s so that way you have an idea that you’re not the only one that is having a hard time. if you were to be with me when I’m having a very hard time with something, who knows! You might feel the energy I’m emitting or maybe nothing at all (Hopefully NOT feeling anything doesn’t happen because that would be bad.).

In rare cases you might even sense when or if it was going to happen to me.

Like this one morning on Friday where I( was with someone that was mad because of schedule conflicts. I could literally FEEL those shockwaves of energy coming from that person. Strange isn’t it? Must be some kind of multi-dimensional phenomenon.

But who knows. Could be anything really based on what we know.

What was said in this post was based on the mind of myself, KDS.

If you enjoyed this post AND currently have a WordPress account, please. Don’t hesitate to follow me for more great posts like this. You most of the time will NOT be disappointed!

I will also update you guys for what the next episode of KDS Within will be as well.

Thanks for reading and I’ll keep you guys updated!

How was THIS possible? Was drafting a message when I saw this on MD!

Hey guys! KDS here!

You’re probably wondering what I’ve been doing for the past who knows how long. It’s only been like a day and I’m about 2,500+ words in for the first book in this series that I’m writing.

BUT here’s what I just discovered and this is also the reason why I’m going to blog every day now along with making new posts for the Millionaire’s Digest. It’s because I have a spot for advertising now on that site! No wonder why I’m getting more traffic than usual, follower wise!

This is great! I was drafting a message but thank goodness I was looking at the spots because when I saw my logo, I was like out loud,” Okay! No need to do this now that’s for sure!”

Now that I have a spot that MIGHT NOT last too long, now is the time to act! I will show ALL my followers on this blog, my YouTube channel, everything else including KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing)…


Time for ACTION!

Ladybug of Luck

This morning a ladybug crawled on my hand
All because of last night where I almost got banned
It was on my hand because it was saying “brrr”
And I thought it was almost time to find her

Sometimes luck can come when you least expect it. Like this morning for example when I found a ladybug on the INSIDE of my bag somehow. Then I let it crawl onto my hand and guess what? It stayed on it for a couple minutes! Not only that but it was as if I felt its livingness on my hand, as in some kind of energy that felt sharp and powerful.

To be honest, I think Ladybugs happen to be a lucky kind of bug, especially since I had a really rough night last night. But you know what? That’s over with and here I am typing away like there’s no tomorrow!

I’ll update you guys soon for what I’ve been trying to do even though this never ending cycle of nothingness isn’t ending like I want it to. Hopefully I can start blogging like crazy finally so you guys can see what I’m REALLY trying to accomplish.

And yes. I wasn’t typing on my mechanical keyboard this time. HA!

Mechanical Keyboards Are So Much Better Than Those Thin Keyboards!

I don’t know why many companies are starting to switch to those really thin keyboards these days. It’s like I DO like the way technology is changing these days BUT there are just certain things I’m just not liking including the fact that all keyboards are starting to change to those futuristic thin ones.

There are reasons why I think mechanical keyboards are so much better than those future ones. It’s mainly because of feel and sounds from them. Of course they are an old school thing because they just are but I bet that I’m not the only one that happens to like those things.

Some people just prefer to even go completely old fashion including with books too before you know it! To me, it’s a matter of just keeping things balanced with the old and the new. Hopefully you guys get what I mean!

Also to be honest that I typed all of this text you just read with a mechanical keyboard…HA!

Just Starting Off…Again…

Wow this piece of writing I’ve done yesterday took me about 30 MINUTES!

The heck? Why would it take me so long…? Well it’s probably because I’ve been not handwriting for some time and the fact that I kind of suck at endurance for writing by hand. Just need to try harder that’s for sure!

I’m also having trouble with music these days too so I think I’m going to concentrate on what I do best which is everything else not related to making music. As I’m typing this up, I think my typing has gotten faster! I don’t know yet but who knows!

I’m going to try my very best to keep up with this handwritten journal of mine and of course A Life to Write as well! To top things off I STILL need to get going on my other creations I’m currently working on too! Man I’m busy…HA!

Enjoy my blog posts and want to see what potential someone with autism has? Follow me EVERYWHERE!


What’s up guys? You are looking at a picture that happens to be the OFFICIAL logo for my fictional series ZEON!

The reason why I decided to write this series for who knows how long now is because it is not only to explore how crazy my imagination can get but also because I want to do something in life that will not only inspire myself but inspire others too.

The way this series will work is like a TV show so don’t expect all the books in this series to be novel length. They will most likely be about 20,000-35,000 words each so it’s still being determined. But what about the so called ZEONIC EPICS? THAT right there is a TBA as I’m still working on getting the first book done.

If you want to find out what the so called Zeonic Epics are, follow my blog and stay informed! The only way I will reveal to you guys what those epics would be is only if I keep getting requests from you guys to know what they are! BUT if I do reach to the end of the first volume, then I will reveal what they are!

All depends on what will happen in the future!

ZEON: THE SERIES. First book coming soon!