Mechanical Keyboards Are So Much Better Than Those Thin Keyboards!

I don’t know why many companies are starting to switch to those really thin keyboards these days. It’s like I DO like the way technology is changing these days BUT there are just certain things I’m just not liking including the fact that all keyboards are starting to change to those futuristic thin ones.

There are reasons why I think mechanical keyboards are so much better than those future ones. It’s mainly because of feel and sounds from them. Of course they are an old school thing because they just are but I bet that I’m not the only one that happens to like those things.

Some people just prefer to even go completely old fashion including with books too before you know it! To me, it’s a matter of just keeping things balanced with the old and the new. Hopefully you guys get what I mean!

Also to be honest that I typed all of this text you just read with a mechanical keyboard…HA!

Busy with math. Updates from the past.

I know that I haven’t made a blog post for a while for the past few days, maybe even several perhaps. Since the school year has started again, I WILL be busy but I will also try my very best to keep you guys updated as much as I possibly can.

With that being said, there’s possibly no chance at this point that I will blog like crazy but eventually I WILL do something like that so you guys can spread the word about my blog. I’m taking a math class so the myth of “for every hour you spend in class equals 2-3 hours of homework” happens to be true. Well it is a math class so what would you expect???

Good thing that I have a two page per day planner because it gives me a TON of space to plan things out in my life. It’s not just for college you know! It’s also for everyday life goals that I’m trying to accomplish, including with Zeon!

Again, I’ll keep you guys updated for as long as I possibly can! I’m not sure when I’ll be able to keep going with my projects I’ve been trying to work on but I will get them done as long as you guys keep seeing what I’m trying to do here. Life is going to get very tricky at this point you know!