What’s up guys? You are looking at a picture that happens to be the OFFICIAL logo for my fictional series ZEON!

The reason why I decided to write this series for who knows how long now is because it is not only to explore how crazy my imagination can get but also because I want to do something in life that will not only inspire myself but inspire others too.

The way this series will work is like a TV show so don’t expect all the books in this series to be novel length. They will most likely be about 20,000-35,000 words each so it’s still being determined. But what about the so called ZEONIC EPICS? THAT right there is a TBA as I’m still working on getting the first book done.

If you want to find out what the so called Zeonic Epics are, follow my blog and stay informed! The only way I will reveal to you guys what those epics would be is only if I keep getting requests from you guys to know what they are! BUT if I do reach to the end of the first volume, then I will reveal what they are!

All depends on what will happen in the future!

ZEON: THE SERIES. First book coming soon!


Keep Going

I’ve attempted so many times. Too many to count for everything that I’ve tried to do. I even need to start typing slower too because that’s one of the reasons why I tend to give up easily.

But anyways, there’s something important that I must always remember and that is to keep going. Literally keep going no matter what gets in the way. If it’s just writing or even just working on something that will pay off in the long run like a blog for example, don’t stop. Even I myself need to keep saying that so I don’t give up on what I’m doing.

It can be a hard yet challenging process but I really need to get going on what I want to do in life, especially for my series Zeon which could turn into a full blown TV show before you know it. Of course it would be in book form STILL silly me!

But anyways, just keep going and your dreams will someday come true. It is a very hard process even for me but once we keep going, then it will all pay off after going through the sourness before going through the sweetness. Just like the saying from Sour Patch Kids,” First they’re sour. Then they’re sweet.”


I discovered WHAT??? Zodiac Sign Describes KDS COMPLETELY

Wow is all I can say because I was looking at my zodiac sign for my birthday thanks to a friend and let me tell you that it was pretty much accurate for describing who I am. I happened to be Aries. Better remember that now that’s for sure!

What I found out about this sign is that Aries happens to be in a rhythmic existence. What I also found out is that it is full of creativity, one of the career choices is writing, and I even saw that I like to be the CENTER FOR ATTENTION! How crazy is that???

Now since I know what my Zodiac sign is thanks to my friend, I can now unlock possibly the secrets to discover who I am and even who my soulmate could be too! It looks like I’ve been given a key to opening the gates that will lead to a new realm.

Even though last night was extremely difficult for me, I still got through it. The only thing I can hope for now as I continue on through life is to see where luck REALLY is.



Entry 3


At my college right now and let me tell you that the Wi-Fi at this campus sucks! I can’t even get onto my blog just to reply to a comment I’ve gotten on a post. What is going on here?

But anyways I’m on a mission. There was someone I asked out a couple of weeks ago and for the first time ever, the response was POSITIVE. Something like that is so rare for that kind of moment to happen. However, there’s a problem that keeps repeating in my head: I wanted someone for so long but did I ask her out because I was desperate or did I really mean it? I guess time is the only way to tell if she was the one or not. We do have some things in common, including with music though. I’m just stumped.

Oh yeah! I just remembered something! There’s at least one table in the cafeteria I’m in that is always so noisy. Well for the most part there’s that one table but I don’t think the people that are loud are here today. Good thing I’m one of the few percent that happens to be a special gem.

Maybe I didn’t mean myself like that but you get what I mean! I could be special after all!

I wonder when some of my friends will be coming today. I didn’t see any in the cafeteria yet but hopefully they will come, including the person I asked out. I also just remembered that there is something called an Open Mic Night that’s this Wednesday! I’m definitely doing it so I can show people some of my potential cause let me tell you that I really do have it for the most part. Even though I did fail one time at a different campus when I performed, that doesn’t stop me!

I’ve typed a lot so I’m going to break it here. More to come later today I hope!



Entry 2


Think of a butterfly. Now think of it as if it’s carrying a kind of mood that I’m feeling. Now think of me catching the butterfly and capturing the moment of how it was feeling. This is exactly what I’ve been trying to do and I thought of it just now: Catching the times I’m always moody. It may sound easy at first but as life goes on it can get very tricky, especially since I’ve been trying to journal while being moody.

This is why I should always journal no matter what mood I’m in. It will reveal what the meaning of a journal is. Without meaning, life is basically pointless. Hard to think about it these days don’t you think?

Now hopefully this week won’t be as bad as I thought it would be for the most part because it’s not starting off good. Can’t seem to get started on some projects or continue with them, including with this album I was working on called Mastermind Reloaded. I just can’t make music anymore. Turns out that it’s just an extra hobby of mine.

The main one though may be writing. I’m not positive yet.

Holy cow! How did I write all of this text in the last couple of minutes? I must be pretty good with journal I say. I just need to remember to keep posting those entries onto my WordPress Blog so the entire world can see what I’ve been trying to do.

Man this is a big pain in the butt because I was keeping track of how may posts I’ve written before hitting 500 posts. I think I need to stop that mainly because all it’s doing is adding up more stress towards my life as I’m already stressed out enough. Luckily though, I still have a chance to keep going through all these obstacles.

Let’s do this then: I’m going to stop putting that number (i.e. 234/500) in my posts because all it’s doing is adding more stress to both me and the blog itself. Instead I will STOP counting how many posts and total views I’ve had since day one of the blog. I really need to stop looking at those stats of mine because all it’s doing is that it’s not making me focus that well in ANYTHING.

Maybe that’s why I’m always worked up for everything. I look at the big picture way too much! Perhaps what I should do is focus on smaller pictures that make up the big one which I hopefully can do. Also as I go on with this journal, I also must not look at the word count too much or I will start to get startled by it. Like as of now, I’m looking at it and it’s distracting me since it’s already at 4 digits.

What is going on with me again? I’m really distracted. Maybe I should take a break for sure now and post the previous entry onto my blog right now!


Chapter 1


Entry 1


All the time. It happens all the time. Why is it that regret never ends with me? I just don’t get it anymore. I mean considering the fact that I’ve done nothing but so many attempts to finish something, nothing awesome has happened. Just the attempt and the regret of what I’ve done.

That ends tonight since I really want to finish something for once. This time every time I write an entry, I will post it onto my blog KDS for the world to see. Of course I may not get as many views or even visitors at the time currently but like they all say,” You’re never too late.”

I’ve always wondered what could happen these days with me. Went to some stores and guess what happened? Crowds. They drive me insane most of the time. Not like insane as in I would run out of the store in a panic like mode but insane as in I start to get flustered with what I’m thinking or doing during the time I’m stuck in one. If I were to be in FRONT of one though, that would be considered a different story.

Who am I? My name is listed in the cover of this journal. Why don’t you look at it and see what my name is? Got it? Okay. Let’s continue as we’re about to enter a journey of nothing but crazy happenings throughout life with autism. Me.

What is life? How did I get through life? What are the benefits of life? One thing I know for sure is one benefit which is the fact that life gives us a chance. An opportunity to grow and see things we’ve never thought possible.

So how did I start of becoming a writer?

It’s pretty simple to be honest. I just love to write! I don’t know why but I just do! There’s just something that happens to speak to me to write about even what’s going on in life. I just don’t know why but it happens. Too bad that as I go on in this journal I won’t be able to see pages of it in physical form because I’m only printing this rough draft ONCE. As in once this ENTIRE journal is complete, edited, and published, I will then print out a hard copy for myself to see how big it’s gotten.

Too bad though that this journal happens to be only one page long as I was typing this section of it. Not only that but I’ve decided to split it into two columns mainly because for some reason I can’t remember, this format makes us read quicker. Still don’t know why but it could be true. I think it also saves some space on the long run as well. Maybe I’m right or wrong. Could be wrong but who knows.

Man I’m really not having it right now. I’m trying so hard to type up this journal but it can be a challenge because of how much energy I’m using right now to just type this up. I really need some kind of crystal to help me get that energy back. It’s not an easy thing to get it back you know.

I’m hearing music from somewhere, basically the low frequencies of it. I think there could be a party going on at my new house somewhere. I really don’t know where though. Couldn’t pin point the exact location. I’m also feeling dehydrated currently because I didn’t drink enough water today.

What is going on with me? I even thought that asking someone out was a challenge but this ongoing problem I’m having now is really getting on my nerves. Man maybe I just need some water and some sleep since it is 9:51 currently.

Okay I think I really should put it to an end right now mainly because I’m starting to become sleepy. Hopefully I will, and I mean I WILL, continue this journal. If I can do it for AT LEAST 150 entries, basically one per day, I will be good.

Hopefully that party over there won’t keep me up all night. And I had to set it back on this journal to one column because of copy and pasting issues that arose just now.

A LIFE TO WRITE: A New Creation By KDS

I’m presenting a new journal that I’m doing that will be available for EVERYONE to see for free on my blog called A LIFE TO WRITE. It will be about what everyday life is like while having autism, presented in a day by day journal format.

Now you’re probably wondering why I didn’t think of something like this earlier. Well it’s because of all these problems I’ve been having (Like always) along with not having enough time to do something like this. But guess what? I’m going to try my very best to do something where all of you guys can see what my potential could really be.

This book will be available on my blog starting TODAY. Everyday, expect a new entry to come. I will also start a new category where it contains EVERYTHING that is involved with A Life To Write.

I’ll be honest that this will be a big pain for me to do on my blog but it will be worth it at the end in the long run.

Keep checking out my blog for more exciting posts, old and new!

Wish me luck on this “pain in the butt” task!

23/500 I’m going to exercise again…seriously!

After thinking long and hard about something, the time has come where I make a tough decision that will really help me with my physical area of life.

I’m going to exercise again mainly because I really not only want to get stronger to lift heavy equipment for being a DJ but also because I want to make sure that I stay fit, healthy, strong, fast, and even improve my life expectancy overall (As in how long I can live for).

This WILL be a very hard process yet again but it IS possible for me to do something that will make me a better person overall.

Hopefully I will be able to keep going, just like I did with my blog for the past few months.

If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know on how I can improve my physical life! I would love to hear what you guys think I should do!

Wish me luck as the quest continues!

22/500 Mastermind Reloaded is BACK!

Okay so here’s my plan for the next few weeks in hopes that I will get this done!

What will happen is that I will start to finish the other few songs that will be included in my upcoming music album MASTERMIND RELOADED. It is kind of sucky that I can only do the mastermind reloaded album mainly because they are protected with my copyright.

If ALL my songs had copyright protection too then I would definitely release TWO albums! But I can’t because of that. It’s so expensive to copyright my stuff you know!

That being said, the time is now where I start to show you guys what I’ve done in this album and how awesome my skills have become in making music. I’m telling you that I could be a musical genius possibly!

This album has 11 songs in it and some will be available in ALBUM ONLY.


MASTERMIND RELOADED. Full album available for $9.99 soon.

21/500 KDS Going Mobile

My first blog post from the mobile app! Sorry if I’m missing some tags because this is a little more complicated than posting from my laptop. But anyways I’ll get used to this app hopefully!

So I guess what I should start to do is that every time I’m on the bus, I SHOULD write a blog post mainly because I want to be sure that I’m still posting frequently. It’s the only way at this point where I will get known to so many others as well.

Also be sure to keep checking back on my blog because I WILL be releasing a new album soon. Like very soon! Either next week or even this week soon! We’ll see what will happen in the future.

Now to see if I can meet new people for once so I can not only increase my social life but also increase my chances of getting known to the public too!