Chapter 1


Entry 1


All the time. It happens all the time. Why is it that regret never ends with me? I just don’t get it anymore. I mean considering the fact that I’ve done nothing but so many attempts to finish something, nothing awesome has happened. Just the attempt and the regret of what I’ve done.

That ends tonight since I really want to finish something for once. This time every time I write an entry, I will post it onto my blog KDS for the world to see. Of course I may not get as many views or even visitors at the time currently but like they all say,” You’re never too late.”

I’ve always wondered what could happen these days with me. Went to some stores and guess what happened? Crowds. They drive me insane most of the time. Not like insane as in I would run out of the store in a panic like mode but insane as in I start to get flustered with what I’m thinking or doing during the time I’m stuck in one. If I were to be in FRONT of one though, that would be considered a different story.

Who am I? My name is listed in the cover of this journal. Why don’t you look at it and see what my name is? Got it? Okay. Let’s continue as we’re about to enter a journey of nothing but crazy happenings throughout life with autism. Me.

What is life? How did I get through life? What are the benefits of life? One thing I know for sure is one benefit which is the fact that life gives us a chance. An opportunity to grow and see things we’ve never thought possible.

So how did I start of becoming a writer?

It’s pretty simple to be honest. I just love to write! I don’t know why but I just do! There’s just something that happens to speak to me to write about even what’s going on in life. I just don’t know why but it happens. Too bad that as I go on in this journal I won’t be able to see pages of it in physical form because I’m only printing this rough draft ONCE. As in once this ENTIRE journal is complete, edited, and published, I will then print out a hard copy for myself to see how big it’s gotten.

Too bad though that this journal happens to be only one page long as I was typing this section of it. Not only that but I’ve decided to split it into two columns mainly because for some reason I can’t remember, this format makes us read quicker. Still don’t know why but it could be true. I think it also saves some space on the long run as well. Maybe I’m right or wrong. Could be wrong but who knows.

Man I’m really not having it right now. I’m trying so hard to type up this journal but it can be a challenge because of how much energy I’m using right now to just type this up. I really need some kind of crystal to help me get that energy back. It’s not an easy thing to get it back you know.

I’m hearing music from somewhere, basically the low frequencies of it. I think there could be a party going on at my new house somewhere. I really don’t know where though. Couldn’t pin point the exact location. I’m also feeling dehydrated currently because I didn’t drink enough water today.

What is going on with me? I even thought that asking someone out was a challenge but this ongoing problem I’m having now is really getting on my nerves. Man maybe I just need some water and some sleep since it is 9:51 currently.

Okay I think I really should put it to an end right now mainly because I’m starting to become sleepy. Hopefully I will, and I mean I WILL, continue this journal. If I can do it for AT LEAST 150 entries, basically one per day, I will be good.

Hopefully that party over there won’t keep me up all night. And I had to set it back on this journal to one column because of copy and pasting issues that arose just now.

Author: kalinkds

KDS is owned by an individual with a mental disorder known as Autism. Kalin W. is the owner of KDS, known by the full name as "An Idea of Autism." With the passion of making music, writing, and even networking with new people, he continues onward to an infinite journey of greatness. As of 2019, he has released three albums with a fourth album in the works.

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