Manipulative Imaging: What lies out there in a higher dimension AND why you should explore it!

Space. Time. Gravity. Falling apples, based on a discovery by some famous scientist.

You’ve probably asked yourself this question before: What is out there?

I’ve always been interested in finding out what exactly is out there and you should find out as well! There are MANY interesting things out there these days, including how we get closer and closer to the biggest questions unanswered in the universe.

In this educational and motivational post, I want to talk about how out there is not what you may think AND not think and why. There are many theories out there but I will try to get my point out in this post as much as I can while keeping things simple. I CAN make things so complex before you know it!

You’re probably thinking, “Is this person crazy or what?” Yes and no. I am but I’m not.

And there’s one thing that describes a possible answer to a huge question of the universe: Manipulative Imaging.

How did I find that out to be exact?

I went through a time period of loss and grief for some time because of the year 2012. Luckily it wasn’t the end of the world for us BUT it was the end of the world for my dad. I remember how tragic that time was and I bet you’re not alone on that either. Losing a loved one, even for my dad, was very tragic before you know it.

Before I continue, if you yourself ever lost a loved one, don’t worry. YOU’RE NOT ALONE. EVERYONE goes through a period of time where a loved one is lost, even if it were to be unexpected. Seek help as soon as you can if you’re experiencing or still experiencing stuff like that.

Now to something that I will never forget: Why my dad is okay now, somewhere out there.

Even though he died in the MIDDLE of that year (June 2012), me and my family knew that he was okay out there. I mean for at least 10 days, he would send us these signs in OUR dimension.

Here’s a strange example:

There was one time where my mom was taking a picture of the fire pit we were having. Turns out that right when she took that picture, she caught a shooting star in the background! How cool is that? BUT it didn’t end there. She was making a FaceBook status update where she was describing the picture, including with the shooting star.

You know what happened next? She posted it and for some reason most of her text got deleted somehow. All people saw was the picture with the text,” A fire at night.” Something like that.

Here’s what I THINK has happened:

My dad was probably in the fourth dimension, wondering what we were doing. What must’ve happened was that he probably saw what my mom was writing and right when she posted it, he possibly went through the frames of time and decided to get rid of the text that was explaining about the shooting star when he found it. He probably manipulated 3D images of our dimension and managed to delete the text about the shooting star!

Wait what?

Yes. This REALLY did happen.

Not only that but this is the core of the post I want to talk about: How I heard about “manipulative imaging” and why I think that is part of the fourth dimension and beyond.

First of all, how did I find out about that term “manipulative imaging”? It was all thanks to a dream that I had in the past. What happened in this dream was where I was at my old house, inside the so called “studio” room.

My dad was making music, on the computer, as if he was still alive in our dimension.

I wanted him to answer this one question I’ve had that I wanted to ask him even in real life too, basically in the everyday world we live in. It was something like, “What have you seen?”

What sucked in past dreams till this one I had was that he would answer it BUT it was all gibberish. I couldn’t comprehend what he was saying to be honest. Until that one happened that I described before.

So, here’s what he FINALLY said in my dream I had, after YEARS of trying to figure it out.

“What I saw was unbelievable.”

Crazy, isn’t it? He must’ve saw the universe AND even the CREATOR of it too maybe!

But it gets even crazier because he was saying gibberish again until he finally said something about “manipulative imaging”.

Ever since I’ve had that dream, I’ve been trying to somewhat figure out what that even means BUT a higher power of the universe probably doesn’t want to find out UNTIL my time to go comes.

He even said to my mom that he would try to tell her that he was okay IF anything ever happened to himself.

And he did, right after he passed.

So, here’s what my theory is about the fourth dimension. It happens to be duration, based on numerous sources that I’ve seen throughout my life. First there’s left and right (length), forwards and backwards (width), up and down (height), and then comes the fourth dimension described as this: Past and Future.

Well I’m not sure if THAT right there is the way to describe the two directions for that high up of a dimension BUT here’s another wild theory I have: Heaven is located BEFORE the Big Bang has happened while the underworld is located in the future and fate of the universe.

Not going to get religious here but that’s the direction the entire universe is heading into. It’s heading to a dark age. BUT there’s only one way to escape that dark age.

That happens to be in a higher dimension (Or if you are saved, sorry for being religious here!).

Ever hear of the pineal gland, a part of the brain that is very tiny? Well, that there happens to be the so called “third eye”. Let me put it this way: There’s a reason why we can comprehend three dimensions BUT we see it as a 2D plane. Why is that?

Our vision is the answer, meaning that it’s the way it is. Our vision can only see certain things that almost EVERYONE can NOT see. There is a type of shrimp though that can see colors that humans may have never thought possible.

But anyways, the only way we can see the fourth dimension is if we EXPAND our vision from a plane to a space-like vision, basically comprehending 4D but only seeing in 3D.

Things get extremely complicated when we enter the fourth dimension for a variety of reasons, including the fact that we would be able to see stuff we never thought existed, including the fact that we just might be able to see through everything. Not only that but we need to be careful to NOT bend the 3D world too much or else a black hole would be created.

That’s possibly why black holes exist. It’s because of all that mass that gets too heavy for the space-time continuum to handle. They are always black as well because of the fact that we don’t know what lies beyond the singularity. Even the latest technologies can’t see through a black hole, or as I like to call it the holes in space. We can’t see the fourth dimension or higher in our dimension anyways silly!

Hopefully somewhere, we will at least get a feel for what it’s like.

So anyways, this was another so called “Epic Post” that I’ve written for all you guys to enjoy. Hopefully you’ve found this post interesting enough to get a better understanding for what goes on throughout life and beyond as well, along with what could possibly be out there too.

Hopefully you got something out of this. My advice is that if you’re writing a blog about your interests, make it uplifting AND powerful. Put some thought into it and you’ll be good to go!

For the time being, feel free to check out my posts on my KDS blog or even the posts I’ve created for The Millionaire’s Digest as well to see what I’ve been doing. Always remember to keep going and to never give up!

Thanks for reading and be careful out there!

Get ready for something EPIC: The Epic Posts!

A growing trend for myself. And I should’ve known about this all along.

Recently I’ve been researching how to come up with some serious blog posts that can really get some traffic flowing and it happens to be this: Extremely Long Blog Posts.

They are known as Epic Posts as I would call it, basically really ling posts containing much information if someone were to read it.

Great now I have to make posts like that however I would actually like to do posts like this because of the fact posts like that happen to draw possibly the most attention, contains a TON of information, and even are considered official blog posts that can be featured on certain websites as well! Maybe I MIGHT be the next big thing but who knows.

I need to stop blabbering about the same thing and start giving more “advice like posts”. Wow this is going to be tricky even though I already started to draft the very first epic post. Hopefully that post will be done today so you guys can finally see what I’m trying to do here!

Time to get this first epic post going now!

Typing Sounds: One of My Favorite Sounds of All Time

Time to change things up for today.

There was one thing that I definitely enjoy and that happens to be typing sounds, a kind of sound that some people find either relaxing or interesting. Perhaps both even, especially for me since this blog post was typed on a mechanical keyboard.

So why do I like this kind of sound so much? To be honest, I think it happens to be a sensory kind of thing. It actually makes me feel good about myself. Not only that but I actually prefer to type on a mechanical keyboard because of the way it feels AND sounds!

I always wondered what kind of keyboard especially YOU like to type on. As I was typing this, I tried to do it while listening to some video that was all about the sounds of typing, literally the sound of the video was someone typing!

Turns out I can only do one thing at a time for now because I didn’t do well with being distracted by that video I was listening to. But that’s okay cause that shows how some people, especially people with autism, can’t do multiple things at once!

Which keyboard do you guys prefer? Is it mechanical or membrane? You decide!

More posts are coming soon so stay tuned!

Want more of KDS? Read This Post!

Hey guys so I’m starting to make YouTube videos again as you probably heard of in previous posts I’ve done! I’m currently doing a series known as KDS Within, a vlog just like my blog but I actually TALK to you guys instead of putting written words out there!

If you guys haven’t yet, be sure to check out the following social media to see the latest from KDS:


BLOG: You’re looking at it now! (kds407)

TWITTER: kds407

TUMBLR: KDS (kds407 is the username!


INSTAGRAM: kds5628 (I had NO CHOICE with the username! Sorry guys!)

Google+: KDS Official

Hope to put myself out there even more for the future as some big things WILL happen soon! Maybe not this month but hopefully next month!

Thanks for the support you guys and take my advice to KEEP GOING WITH YOUR DREAMS.

20,000 Words…Can I Make It???

A goal I’ve had for a long time that has gotten crazy before but this is the goal I have in mind for now for the first book in my series.

20,000 WORDS. If I can make it to that milestone like I did that one time a couple of years ago, I know that I have the ability to keep going with a certain task. I want those kind of experiences to come back but this time I want it to be faster and stronger most importantly.

It’s also important to remember that giving up will NOT be an option this time. Of course I would take breaks every now and then but they have got to be short breaks this time! I can’t give up! Not just yet…

When I have a rough draft finished for the first book in this new series I’m writing, I will let you guys know when the release date will be. The date it will be released will be in a RANGE of a few days time span sort of thing because I think it takes at least 24-48 hours to get an eBook in stores. Not positive about that yet though!

Not to mention that I can’t reveal details about the book until I copyright it that’s for sure! Also need to remember that to copyright even this particular book, I will need to finish it first. JUST FINISH SOMETHING FOR ONCE. That’s what I always try to tell myself.

Thanks for reading this blog post and be sure to follow me in the social media listed on my website in the About section!

Wish me luck everyone!

Challenge Accepted: The 642 Writing Challenge

Hey guys! I’m really sorry that I haven’t been writing that much ever since who knows when but I WILL get back on track this time because I’m going to challenge myself to finish this book, known as “642 Things to Write About Me”.

It happens to be a famous book of some sort so I decided to give it a go with this. The way this will work is that I will try my very best to answer TWO prompts from this book every day till completion but here’s the kicker: You get to see it on my blog!

That means I might have to create a new category but I don’t think it would be needed to do that. All I can say is that with this kind of challenge means more exposure not only for me but possibly others too inspiration wise. Starting today will begin the challenge.

Which also means that I must get my butt off my laziness and start being productive for once!

Wish me luck on this challenge. Also be prepared for an UNEXPECTED post that will happen in the future. I’ll give you a hint though: It relates to writing books!

Anyways, onwards to the challenge!


Wow I really didn’t write a single post for who knows how long at this point.

It’s been one tough process since I haven’t been doing much for the past month. What I will do is try to keep going with my stuff once again. Zeon however is starting to fall apart. Like they all say,” One legend ends BUT another begins.” What I mean by that is not because it’s a quote I just made up…

It’s also because a NEW series will take over.

The series will be revealed to you guys starting in January 2017. I’ll give you a hint though: It DOES take place on Earth this time even though it’s still fictional!

Anyways back to the new song I was talking about. It’s the 2016 Edit of Mastermind from the Mastermind Album! It’s currently being sent to CD Baby right now as I speak (Of course I uploaded and submitted it yesterday duh!). It will hopefully be available to download by today or the weekend. Just give it time.

Also remember that this song and all my other songs from this point on will be available on CD Baby ONLY not only because they are exclusive but also because I don’t have the budget needed to pay for getting at least the standard version (This applies for EACH single AND album). At least for now I don’t. Hopefully I will in the future!

Anyways, wish me luck as I’m going to really try my hardest to do something right this time!


Gotta keep writing!

I’m so sorry you guys that I haven’t been blogging for who knows how long now! College is really coming to an end for the semester and I’ll be honest that things are not getting any easier at this point.

That being said, I will try my hardest, literally my hardest, in order to get done what I want to get done! Hard work will pay off eventually and the only way to keep going with all this hard work I’m trying my best to do…is to keep going!

I also just remembered as I was typing this that I have a possible song that I really should upload to CD Baby. This song happens to be a remake of Mastermind, basically a 2016 edit! REMEMBER THOUGH that this song is an EXCLUSIVE song so it will only be available to purchase on CD Baby and possibly my Facebook Page too! Will be available soon for $1.29!

Let’s hope that I CAN keep going this time as I now have 40 FOLLOWERS! HA!

The only way I’ll keep getting followers is if I just keep posting dang net!