14/500 The Birds, A Heart, And An Arrow

One of the coolest things has happened to me yesterday where a higher power of the universe gave me an actual sign for what has happened during that time.

Here’s the story: I was looking at some geese and was trying to talk to them to see if they would actually listen to me. Turns out they couldn’t understand a THING I was saying to them even though geese can’t comprehend human language usually. HA!

But here’s the kicker. I looked up and saw a flock of birds that were flying. In fact there were about 150-200 of them! It was a big one wasn’t it now? However what happened was that they formed an actual HEART shape, flying towards my college campus. Then get this: they then formed a triangle that looked like an arrow. It was pointing to where I met one of my friends. During the time I was talking with my friend, that was when I found the missing piece to my life.

Let’s rewind shall we?

Back to where the birds were, here’s what I think the universe was saying to me. To get to LOVE, I must get the PIECE I was missing and they pointed in the right direction, the direction where my friend was at somewhat. It appears that the universe was and continues telling me to find the missing piece and to FIX IT UP to make myself working again.

Have any of you guys ever experience something where you might’ve thought it was a higher power of the universe trying to tell you something?

The universe is so unique in many different ways. Some of them happen to be the ones that I will follow.

A new record! Three Likes in less than 2 hours!

I just checked my latest post and it looks like that I hit a new record which was getting three likes in less than two hours! Yay me!

BUT this is only the beginning since on some days I will make at least one post in EVERY category I’ve ever created mostly. There can be as many as 6-10 posts in one day since I LOVE being ambitious! Perhaps that way I’ll get more followers for sure!

Be sure to check out as many posts as possible to discover who I REALLY am!

I’m making several more posts today since I don’t have much going on during this time!