18/500 Motivation back! YouTube videos coming soon!

Hey guys!

So here’s what happened today: I found one of my friends YouTube channels and you would not believe how many videos he had. There were like 500 PLUS.

Not only that but top it off with 100,000+ video views in total and 200+ subscribers.

Now THAT is something I wish I could do!

The problem is that if I try to make videos again, that means that I will need to get some serious skills going, as in making the actual videos ALONG with a NEW intro for my channel!

I also need to be careful what I put inside my channel mainly because if for say I put a popular song into one of my videos, copyright will come into play.

Hopefully I WILL be able to keep making videos once again because let me tell you that YouTube is really the place where stuff happens, including with traffic. That is the place!

Let’s see if today I can be able to make a new video explaining what’s been going on with me!

16/500 Journal on my blog? Who knew!

A thought came to me just now.

If I really wanted to do a journal about myself WHILE making it public, why didn’t I do it on this blog all along? I mean come on! This is a great way for me to get all the attention I’ve always wanted!

I guess I can say that I’m currently on post 16 out of 500 posts cause let me tell you something: I’m STILL doing the challenge for writing 500 posts! I can’t give up! I must keep going no matter what happens! I WILL reach 500 posts and when I do, I’ll reward myself with something that possibly would be too expensive for me to buy. HA!

But in all seriousness I must make sure that I keep going with this blog cause it WILL spread everywhere if I DO keep going with it. If I don’t, I’ll never be able to do what I’ve always wanted to do!

I wonder what I should do to make a creation happen…

10/500 Best Tip Ever: The Secret To Finding A Significant Other

You guys may not know this but guess what my biggest problem is currently?

Is it making friends? No. Is it my blog? Nope. Is it my blog wanting attention? Still no! Do I need to improve my Thanksgiving Ediquette? Okay maybe not that but here’s what it is:

Finding a significant other.

And what is the best tip ever to finding him/her?

Not expecting it is one thing.

A higher power of the universe telling you when you’re ready is a different story.

It is true! The universe is very unique in an infinite amount of ways! In fact this is why I’m making all of these new friends because the universe might be giving me signs for who that special someone could really be. It’s not just my blog you know.

It’s also what I’m doing in life too!

Hopefully she WILL find me even today! I just don’t know. The only way to find out is to not only NOT expect it but also keep meeting new people until the one has been met!

Chances of that could be 1 in about 100-10,000 people. Those are the ESTIMATED odds. It’s not completely true that this could be the case for how many people I meet but it just gives you an idea.

If you have a significant other, comment on this post saying how you found the one!


I’ve been having thoughts about something that I wanted to do for a long time. That was to do a challenge where everyday for 100 days, I would write 5 blog posts. By the end of this challenge, I would have a total of 500 BLOG POSTS!

I know that a challenge like this is definitely possible to achieve. It was literally going to be 1,000 posts in 100 days, basically 10 per day. THAT would not be possible for me because of how much time I would have each and every day.

I’m also noticing that my typing skills have gotten really good ever since the blog here started. HA! Now what I need to do is starting today, the challenge begins! Thank goodness that WordPress has a thing where you can track how many posts you’ve done in one day!

But if I’m going to do this challenge, I MUST start talking about things that I usually don’t talk about, like stuff with news or even stuff with sports for instance. That’s why I created all of these categories for my site!

Also when I do a challenge like this, my traffic WILL skyrocket because of all the posts I’ve been doing! Hopefully that WILL happen!

Enjoy this post? Follow me here, on Twitter, Tumblr, FaceBook, and even Google Plus too!


I read an article online about where the universe will reveal to you when it’s time to witness the answer to a certain question you may had all life long. For me, the biggest question I guess I’ve had was this:

What’s my purpose and how do I get there?

I know it sounds very daunting but this could be the question I’ve always had ever since I was born. It could be the question everyone has in life. Mine happens to be the one describe above even though I just came up with it.

But note this: In order to have all the success I’ve always wanted and more…


I will try the hardest I can possibly-no! I will DO the hardest I can possibly do for my blog and all my other social media as well. I mean it this time!

Not hopefully but today and beyond, things are going to change for the better!

What is YOUR biggest dream?

A post that I’m making that is kind of unusual.

But before I ask the question let me tell you guys something! If you haven’t known, I’m someone with autism who is striving towards becoming someone that will make history while having this learning difference! It may seem very overrated to do something like that but is it possible? YES.

This is what this blog is all about. It’s really all about who I am and the craziness of me! It is also like a second OR third journal that I’m currently doing as well! That’s it! What I’ll do is make a book that contains every single blog post I’ve ever done! But before I can do that I need to make even more posts!

Now for the question I want to ask you guys: What is YOUR biggest dream in your life?

Feel free to comment what it is! Don’t be afraid!

My Dreams of Making History

Many people have so many dreams. Some happen to be with music. Others happen to be with inventing something. Some are just basic like becoming a sales person for example.

My dreams happen to be beyond that. I want to become someone that will make history while having autism at the same time. It will be a very tough process but I know that it WILL be possible to achieve.

I’m not writing this as a quote before you know it. I’m writing this post as starting a new category! Duh! With this category, I will be talking about all the dreams I’ve always wanted to have come true including with my series ZEON and other books possibly, music, becoming an advocate for autism, and more!

Want more posts involved with this category? Look through the posts in this section of my site and see what I’ve accomplished along with checking out some other posts I’ve made throughout my blog!

Every view counts so see how many YOU can read in this blog!