I’ll keep letting EVERYONE know about my new blog! This is IMPORTANT!


I’m NOT posting in “kds407” anymore! I’m now posting here: https://kdsanideaofautism.wordpress.com/

Be sure to follow THAT blog now! Thanks guys!

A Sneaky Trick: My YouTube Channel

Idiot me was stupid enough to forget that I have a YouTube channel that’s still there.

So, here’s what my new plan is for the future: I will make YouTube videos about my EPIC blog posts and why I should consider doing this. Basically, the entire video would be about the epic post itself in its entirety. The reason why I would do something like this is so that way I can reach out to people that are NOT familiar with my WordPress blog AND by doing that I will be able to have the ability to get more exposure as well.

I think this may be a pretty cool idea because it will be something that people SHOULD consider for their everyday life. Trust me on this that I myself have been through a LOT and it’s as if a higher power of the universe sent me here with a purpose in life to help others.

The only problem is a matter of IF and WHEN I will continue to pursue that purpose, even though I don’t know what it is to be honest. Hopefully I will be able to find out sooner enough!

Anyways, let me see if I can make episode 6 of KDS Within. It will probably be about my first epic post I made that’s for sure!

How to Become More Social: The Key to a Better, Healthier Lifestyle for Interacting with Others

“I want to be more social. That’s what I wanted in life.”

That is the saying that EVERYONE at some point in their lives tell themselves when they start to realize how important it is to become a more social person. Turns out that you might not know how to become that way.

Some think that it is very easy to interact with other people. Some find it extremely difficult. In rare cases, some can’t help not being social because of the way they were either raised or born.

In my case, I didn’t want to be social until the 8th grade. Why did it take me so long though?

I’m someone with autism, a known brain disorder. It’s just the way I was born.

Since I’ve learned so much on how to have a social life ever since that time I realized how a social life can help me out, I wanted to create a post and possibly more like this in the future known as an EPIC post, a kind of post where you can learn so much information from. This post however will be focused on how to be more social and why it is important to have that interaction with other people.

Even in my case, I still find it difficult.

But there is one thing that I can tell you guys that has led me to become more successful in life itself, especially for becoming more social. That is to get out of your comfort zone.

Really? Yes really. Even I have to realize that when I missed an opportunity one time that could’ve lead to a potential significant other. Who cares though! What matters is that you need to get out of your so called “box” at some point in your life to interact with others. You can’t do it when you’re stuck in that box of yours.

Ever hear of that term “Think outside of the box”? Yeah. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Sometimes you just have to think outside of your mindset to figure out how to interact with, for example, that girl or guy you see that could become a new friend or possibly better. Another way of thinking outside of the box is to change that mindset of yours. Yes. Just change it for the better! Because when you have the same mindset, you’re missing out. Life is ALWAYS changing and sometimes we can’t change certain things but we definitely can change the way we THINK of things!

If you can’t seem to say hi to someone new, then there has to be something you’re doing wrong. Something that you CAN change if you put your mind to it!

You’re probably thinking how though.

When there is a will, there IS a way. Even I have trouble to so called making the “first move”. There really is a way to do something like that though.


Even if you think you can’t do it or have that nervous energy within you, just try your very best to push yourself to your goal. You’ll feel so much better when you finally accomplish that goal you’ve always wanted to accomplish.

BUT there is one thing that you must face when you become more social or try to become more social. That is rejection.

You have got to be kidding me. Not rejection!

But especially for me, EVERYONE gets rejected from something at some point in their lives. I remember the time I got rejected when I tried to say hi to some of my friends even though they were busy doing something. Funny thing is that it was a friend that I happened to be not so comfortable with.

That right there is another thing you must keep in mind. You will NOT be comfortable with every situation you come across AND not everyone is going to want to talk to you.

Man, so much to talk about I don’t even know where to start silly me!

I guess for now, all I can say is to put yourself out there when it comes to being more social.

These days, I notice that social media has become a trend, basically not just in the United States but the ENTIRE planet! If you’re always using social media AND not talking to others in person, something’s wrong with that picture.

Social media wasn’t just invented for connecting with others easily.

It was also so that way people can step out of their comfort zones easily without the pressure of approaching someone.

But to be honest, social media becomes meaningless to all of us if that’s all we ever do to interact with others. It’s basically “addicting” as I call it.

So, with that being said, I will now give whoever is reading this some strategies on how to become more social.

Also note that the rest of this post was written, edited, and published a couple of days after it’s been started so please don’t mind if the rest looks a little different.

Anyways, back to the advice though, here are some tips on how to become more social in life:

-Stop looking at that phone or putting on those earphones! You’ll be amazed on how just even looking at your phone can make you become less social. People would think that you’re busy to socialize or even you DO NOT want to socialize at all! What I would recommend is the next piece of advice in this article which is…

-Say hi to someone new every day, even if you don’t get a response that’s good! Some people LOVE it when someone else says hi to him or her. But there is always that one barrier that gets in everyone’s way. That is to have confidence and the ability to keep that confidence. What I do is to try my best to remember that not everyone is going to give me that one positive response I always want. It is rare that I have an experience where I face rejection but since I don’t experience it too much, I can’t say that I have faced it so much BUT I can say that rejection is horrible. But horrible in a good way of course. You won’t always get that positive response you always want you know!

-If you’re in school and/or college, get involved! Don’t just go to school or college just for classes (unless your schedule is so slammed you just don’t have time so you have to make time). Get involved in clubs, events, activities, anything that will get you more social. Join a group, talk to others, just do something on your campus! You’ll be amazed on how many people you can meet if you were to do something like this.

-Not just for school and/or college but for ANYWHERE, get involved in social groups, events, anything that can make you more friendly and sociable. Of course, it’s hard for me since I lack confidence AND don’t have the ability to drive (I take the bus) but you know what I do? What I’m doing now, which is typing up this blog post that is really getting lengthy that’s for sure!

-Overcome your fears! This can apply for any kind of fear you may have. Whether it’s a social fear, a fear of bees, speaking in front of other people, going public, giving a speech, putting your hand in an oven (Okay maybe not THAT!), you WILL need to overcome it eventually at some point. Life is all about overcoming fears. Not only that but it’s also about overcoming those barriers and walls you set up in the past while taking those risks. Wait a second. That was the next piece of advice I was going to give you!

-Take risks! Possibly the biggest out of all the pieces of advice I’ve given you. This is exactly why people can’t be social enough these days. For some or perhaps most, they don’t take enough risks. Without risks in life, it’s meaningless, boring, and too normal! Trust me on that one for sure!

And there you have it! Ways on how to become more social and why you should. If this wasn’t enough to inspire you, I would suggest looking at another site I’m a part of, which is The Millionaire’s Digest, a website FILLED with so many articles by myself and OVER 200 PEOPLE. Crazy, isn’t it?

Anyways, thanks for reading my first ever so called Epic Post and I hope to make more posts like this one, especially for The Millionaire’s Digest!

Take care you guys and be social as much as you can!

Get ready for something EPIC: The Epic Posts!

A growing trend for myself. And I should’ve known about this all along.

Recently I’ve been researching how to come up with some serious blog posts that can really get some traffic flowing and it happens to be this: Extremely Long Blog Posts.

They are known as Epic Posts as I would call it, basically really ling posts containing much information if someone were to read it.

Great now I have to make posts like that however I would actually like to do posts like this because of the fact posts like that happen to draw possibly the most attention, contains a TON of information, and even are considered official blog posts that can be featured on certain websites as well! Maybe I MIGHT be the next big thing but who knows.

I need to stop blabbering about the same thing and start giving more “advice like posts”. Wow this is going to be tricky even though I already started to draft the very first epic post. Hopefully that post will be done today so you guys can finally see what I’m trying to do here!

Time to get this first epic post going now!

Typing Sounds: One of My Favorite Sounds of All Time

Time to change things up for today.

There was one thing that I definitely enjoy and that happens to be typing sounds, a kind of sound that some people find either relaxing or interesting. Perhaps both even, especially for me since this blog post was typed on a mechanical keyboard.

So why do I like this kind of sound so much? To be honest, I think it happens to be a sensory kind of thing. It actually makes me feel good about myself. Not only that but I actually prefer to type on a mechanical keyboard because of the way it feels AND sounds!

I always wondered what kind of keyboard especially YOU like to type on. As I was typing this, I tried to do it while listening to some video that was all about the sounds of typing, literally the sound of the video was someone typing!

Turns out I can only do one thing at a time for now because I didn’t do well with being distracted by that video I was listening to. But that’s okay cause that shows how some people, especially people with autism, can’t do multiple things at once!

Which keyboard do you guys prefer? Is it mechanical or membrane? You decide!

More posts are coming soon so stay tuned!

One of my Barriers: The First Move

I’ve been thinking what blog post I should write about next. Maybe I should do a list? Advice? Something with entertainment that I’m trying to do?

Instead, let me tell you one of my biggest weaknesses: Making the first move. Not just for putting something into action but really for saying hi to someone new and making new friends. It’s been something I ALWAYS struggled with and I have really no idea how to accomplish making this first move not just for people but for ANYTHING in life.

You know what are some of the ways I do to make this first move?

Let me tell you this:

-Don’t be awkward (As in just standing there watching people that you want to say hi to!).

-Always have a plan, especially if the unexpected comes.

-DO NOT stare! Yes, I’ve gotten in a little bit of trouble for starring in the past!

-Don’t follow others if you can.

-Even if you happen to have all the nervous energy in the world, just DO IT and it WILL happen if done right!

-If the outcome is negative, just keep going and move on.

Those are just some things I think about when I try to make the first move. Now that my advice is out there, I want YOU to help myself out!

What is a good way to make that first move without causing trouble?

Feel free to comment if you have an answer!

What if KDS decided to do TWO blogs at once? Oh wait! He is!

You ever wondered what KDS has been up to for the past few weeks? Even I was starting to wonder why I haven’t been posting for the past few weeks as well. Turns out that I remember making an announcement about how I was going to post elsewhere…

It also turns out that I really should post in BOTH blogs that I have so I can have certain features that are NOT similar to WordPress and Blogger.


Because I feel that more exposure is awaiting me. Not only that but I have a total of about 100 followers out of all the social media I have, not just on my WordPress blog. Really should’ve kept going with all of this blogging cause with these many followers, there WILL be a way I will be able to finally start to make history while having autism.

So, here’s what I’m going to goal myself on for now: Make THREE blog posts every day, each one having a unique topic AND making sure that no topic for that day is the same. The reason why I would need to do something like that is to keep things interesting, especially since I’ve been kind of repeating the same things over and over again for the past year. Not only that but I’ve been running out of ideas as well.

My advice for you to be honest? Don’t be like me where I procrastinated all these months. You’ll get nowhere kind of if you were to be my old self for some time.

It looks like I will start to post in BOTH blogs I have, WordPress AND Blogger together, each one having a unique kind of feel to it.

I’m tired now, even though it’s only the morning for me that’s for sure!

Ugh I’m ready for a nap am I now…?

IMPORTANT: Now using Blogger

Hey guys! I have some news!

Due to the complexity of WordPress AND the fact that there’s more users for another platform that MIGHT motivate me to blog more, I’m now blogging in Blogger.

The reason why is because there are some features, including with Adsense, that happen to be very useful towards my determination towards blogging. As of now, I will start to blog over there instead.

The URL for the site is very easy to find since it has “KDS Official” in it, of course WITHOUT the space in it!

I’m really sorry that I won’t be blogging as much on here anymore as this platform just wasn’t working good enough for me.

But hey, I’ll still be here! Just not as much as I used to be.

Just needed something more simple that’s all!

Anyways, thanks for reading and I’ll most likely see you guys on Blogger!

Want more of KDS? Read This Post!

Hey guys so I’m starting to make YouTube videos again as you probably heard of in previous posts I’ve done! I’m currently doing a series known as KDS Within, a vlog just like my blog but I actually TALK to you guys instead of putting written words out there!

If you guys haven’t yet, be sure to check out the following social media to see the latest from KDS:


BLOG: You’re looking at it now! (kds407)

TWITTER: kds407

TUMBLR: KDS (kds407 is the username!


INSTAGRAM: kds5628 (I had NO CHOICE with the username! Sorry guys!)

Google+: KDS Official

Hope to put myself out there even more for the future as some big things WILL happen soon! Maybe not this month but hopefully next month!

Thanks for the support you guys and take my advice to KEEP GOING WITH YOUR DREAMS.