Typing Sounds: One of My Favorite Sounds of All Time

Time to change things up for today.

There was one thing that I definitely enjoy and that happens to be typing sounds, a kind of sound that some people find either relaxing or interesting. Perhaps both even, especially for me since this blog post was typed on a mechanical keyboard.

So why do I like this kind of sound so much? To be honest, I think it happens to be a sensory kind of thing. It actually makes me feel good about myself. Not only that but I actually prefer to type on a mechanical keyboard because of the way it feels AND sounds!

I always wondered what kind of keyboard especially YOU like to type on. As I was typing this, I tried to do it while listening to some video that was all about the sounds of typing, literally the sound of the video was someone typing!

Turns out I can only do one thing at a time for now because I didn’t do well with being distracted by that video I was listening to. But that’s okay cause that shows how some people, especially people with autism, can’t do multiple things at once!

Which keyboard do you guys prefer? Is it mechanical or membrane? You decide!

More posts are coming soon so stay tuned!

One of my Barriers: The First Move

I’ve been thinking what blog post I should write about next. Maybe I should do a list? Advice? Something with entertainment that I’m trying to do?

Instead, let me tell you one of my biggest weaknesses: Making the first move. Not just for putting something into action but really for saying hi to someone new and making new friends. It’s been something I ALWAYS struggled with and I have really no idea how to accomplish making this first move not just for people but for ANYTHING in life.

You know what are some of the ways I do to make this first move?

Let me tell you this:

-Don’t be awkward (As in just standing there watching people that you want to say hi to!).

-Always have a plan, especially if the unexpected comes.

-DO NOT stare! Yes, I’ve gotten in a little bit of trouble for starring in the past!

-Don’t follow others if you can.

-Even if you happen to have all the nervous energy in the world, just DO IT and it WILL happen if done right!

-If the outcome is negative, just keep going and move on.

Those are just some things I think about when I try to make the first move. Now that my advice is out there, I want YOU to help myself out!

What is a good way to make that first move without causing trouble?

Feel free to comment if you have an answer!

You Failed BUT That’s Okay

I am really tired, failing to stay awake for who knows how long at this point. Not only that but I have failed to keep going with my blog posts.

Wait a second. That’s fine.

Wait what? Why did I just say that, especially in the title?

Failing is a part of life. It’s what makes us human as there is no such thing as someone or something that is 100% perfect. If everything were to be perfect then what’s the point in living life then? Turns out that no badness at all means no fun. But of course, too much badness can lead to the opposite of being perfect. Get what I’m saying now?

Let me tell you this: Succeed AND recognize that you failed at the same time! Even I have to realize this harsh truth, basically for the failing part. The only way we can possibly learn is by failing. This very important skill is crucial for how well you will do in life and will also make you have a better lifestyle overall.

Like when I was typing this, I am so tired I’m starting to roll my eyes while this was being typed up. So yeah, I might fail again but you know what? Eventually I WILL pick myself back up and start to do big things once again.

Only this time, those things will be bigger. MUCH bigger!

What if KDS decided to do TWO blogs at once? Oh wait! He is!

You ever wondered what KDS has been up to for the past few weeks? Even I was starting to wonder why I haven’t been posting for the past few weeks as well. Turns out that I remember making an announcement about how I was going to post elsewhere…

It also turns out that I really should post in BOTH blogs that I have so I can have certain features that are NOT similar to WordPress and Blogger.


Because I feel that more exposure is awaiting me. Not only that but I have a total of about 100 followers out of all the social media I have, not just on my WordPress blog. Really should’ve kept going with all of this blogging cause with these many followers, there WILL be a way I will be able to finally start to make history while having autism.

So, here’s what I’m going to goal myself on for now: Make THREE blog posts every day, each one having a unique topic AND making sure that no topic for that day is the same. The reason why I would need to do something like that is to keep things interesting, especially since I’ve been kind of repeating the same things over and over again for the past year. Not only that but I’ve been running out of ideas as well.

My advice for you to be honest? Don’t be like me where I procrastinated all these months. You’ll get nowhere kind of if you were to be my old self for some time.

It looks like I will start to post in BOTH blogs I have, WordPress AND Blogger together, each one having a unique kind of feel to it.

I’m tired now, even though it’s only the morning for me that’s for sure!

Ugh I’m ready for a nap am I now…?